
Matters of life and death ck2
Matters of life and death ck2

matters of life and death ck2

How does belief in life after death affect Catholics lives? “ For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat thirsty, and you gave me something to drink.” - Matthew 25: 35 Near Death Experience When someone dies, but is then brought back to life People have had near-death experiences and have told us what they encountered e.g. Reincarnation “ To be made flesh again” Reincarnation is a non-Christian reason for believing in life after death It is the belief that, after death, souls are re-born into a new body It is a form of theodicy for religions such as Hinduism (that believe in reincarnation) The Paranormal When strange things happen that could only be explained by the after life, for example, ghosts This would make people believe in the after life because it couldn’t happen without it

matters of life and death ck2

The Resurrection of Jesus Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and people saw him This shows that there is life after death because Jesus conquered death, and came back and told us of it “ Today, you will be with me in paradise” - Luke 23:43 Reasons for believing in Life After Death Some Christians believe that Heaven and Hell aren’t actual places, but it is your conscience acting on you. Resurrection Resurrection is the Evangelical belief that the soul stays in the grave until judgement day, which is when all souls will receive an immortal body Ĭonscience. Immortality of the Soul “ The belief that after the death of the body, the soul lives on in a spiritual state.” All theists believe in the Immortality of the Soul “ I believe in the resurrection of the body and life ever lasting” – Apostles’ Creed Purgatory If you have died in God’s grace but have uncleansed sin Where a soul goes to be made clean of sin It’s almost like “Heavens waiting room” “ A place where Catholics believe souls go to be made clean of sin” Hell “ A place of horrors, where the devil rules.” Most Christians believe in the existence of Hell They believe Hell is for those who have not died in God’s grace show no signs of remorse for the sins they have committed

matters of life and death ck2

Heaven “ A blissful state of paradise where God rules” Christians believe that Heaven is for souls that have died in God’s grace and have been cleansed and purified from sin All Christians believe in Heaven Some (liberal) Christians believe in only Heaven and that there are varying stages of Heaven Christian Teachings on Life After Death “ For everything, there is a season a time to be born, and a time to die.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Matters of life and death ck2